The upcoming events module provides a list of upcoming events in various formats. This module is available for all versions of Zap Calendar (including the free version!). This page shows a live view of upcoming events. Customization is done using the "Display Format" and "Module Class Suffix" fields.

Some of the display formats include:

  • Plain / Plain Color - A box icon with the month and date shown. The color version uses the category color for the icon.
  • Round / Round Color - A round icon with the month and date shown. The color version uses the category color for the icon.
  • Fancy / Fancy Color - A box icon with the month and date shown, the date shown in a white background. The color version uses the category color for the icon.

Supported class suffixes include:

  • shadow - display drop shadow behind icon
  • upper - convert month name to upper case
  • horizontal / vertical - display items in either horizontal or vertical position
  • large - make icons larger